Pokemon Club and Daily Matches

7 會員

Hello All!


It will great if you join us. Help us grow and overtake the leaderboards. Let's indeed win some games. 


For Joining, You may Have to follow certain rules:


1. No Timeout in Games. [ 35+ Timeouts, gets you Kicked ]

2. Join at least 2 Daily Matches in a week. [ Failing to Join, will get u warned ]

3. Do not be Inactive in the daily matches. If Inactive due to some reason, report @DailyTournamentor.


Well, that's all and also, you can Talk about Pokémon Here as well! 


By Joining:

We will notify you [ if u like ] about the matches and display it on our Home Screen.

Try to make your life not boring.

Invite you to live tournaments.