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🇬🇧Hi, I'm @Bold17A (Or my name is Victor) and I am going to show you some data about me (not everything of course)

Name: Victor Negrea 

Date of birth: 7 January 20**

Location: Brasov, Romania

My hobbies: Chess, Snooker, History, Math, Judo, Geography, Buses, languages, etc.

What am I: Chess Player, Snooker player, Judoka, Duolingo nerd 🤓 

What languages I know: 

-very well Romanian

-pretty well English

- pretty well German

-well Hungarian 

-well François 

- some words in Japanese 

- some words in Chinese 

- some words in Russian 

- some words in Kolingian😜

At what club I am a BOSS:

Chess.comRO (Owner): Link:

TEAM ROMANIA ONLINE (Super-admin): Link:

ChessAroundTheEarth (Coordinator): Link:

South-East Transilvania (Owner): Link: - Serbia (Owner): Link:

My Chess Goals: 

Rapid Rating: 1500

Blitz Rating: 1200

Bullet Rating: 1000

960 Chess Rating: 1200

Puzzle Rating: I hope 3000-3500

Puzzle Rush: 40 or more

Best friends: 

@ManeaMateiMarc: A judo friend and a pretty good chess player 

@Tyrisk: A Twitch streamer and a good friend because we played with him twice in Untitled Tuesday.

@Herghe: Even if I didn't message him for a while, he is a social person and also a super-admin at Team Romania

@TheMidnightExpress12: We didn't chat, but we are friends 

@BogdanDeac: The only friend that is a GM!!!

@MC_ADMN: Pretty important person at Multi-Club Arenas

Not finished yet!