
Hello, all Chess.com players!chesspawn I'm 'henapocy'.

There are some my brilliant moves!!




1. Nxe5!!

2. Nxb6!!

3. Ba2+!!

4. Bxc5!!

5. Bxf5!! (But I losed because I made a blunder move.)
6. Qxf3!!
7. Nxf6+!!
8. Rxf3+!!
9. Bxh6!!
10. Nxe6!!
11. Bxg6!!
12, 13. Bxh6!!, Qxg7+!!
14, 15. Bxd3!!, exf3!!
16. Nxe5!! (And I made castling checkmate!)
17. Bxh7+!!
18. e6!!
19. Rxg6+!! (But I accepted the draw because I could not find a checkmate.)
21. Bxh7+!!
22. Rxa8+!!
23. Nxd5!!
24. Rxh7+!!
25. Nxe4!!
Coming Soon.....
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