Znajdź Klub Szachowy

The OTF Lovers
🔥 Join The OTF Lovers club!!! 🔥  ✅ This club was founded Jan 12, 2025 and has 50+ members. ✅  ✨ Are you interested in memes, jokes, g...
Team Australia - Perth W.A.
Team Australia - Perth W.A. is a club that represents Perth in the state of Western Australia.   We represent Perth in the World Cities...
Team Denmark
Team Denmark repræsenterer Danmark her på chess.com i World League, Chess960 World League samt European League  World League og ...
2 216
Herefordshire Worcestershire Shropshire
Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire participate in the County Championship Division 1, the County Cup, and the European Inter-Regio Compet...
Team The Hague
Welcome to Team The Hague! This group is for chess players from the city The Hague or the The Hague region. It serves for exchange about over-the-b...
Indian Warriors
1 240
May the chess be with you
May the chess be with you es un club de habla española que destaca por ser muy activo. Ya somos el club 40 en el ranking de ajedre...
1 100
Ajedrez práctico para todos
Villagers Chess Club
This is a club for the Villagers Chess chess variant, where your king is a pawn! if you want to know about about this variant, or want to meet peop...
Oxford Instruments Online Chess Club
This club is for employees of Oxford Instruments.  People across the world can join the club. Please share your Oxford Instruments email ID, while ...
Chess Space CS
Hi !!! **Galactic Chess Tournament - Join Now!** Are you the next grandmaster of the cosmos? Do you have what it takes to conquer the boards ac...
Young Beauties
Young Beauties welcomes all who maintain the spirit of youth.  We seek to nurture inquisitive minds, to be open to new ideas, and to be respec...
1 day per move club
Welcome to the 1 day per move club! Wanna play without opponents taking so much time that you forget your analysis and why you did your last move...
Team Palestine
This is the one and only OFFICIAL GROUP for all Palestine chessplayers, as well as for all those lovers and supporters of Palestine from right arou...
4 243
We leisurely swim on all the oceans of the Earth at a speed of 7-14 days per move.
1 391
El club Bolivia es el club oficial que representa a Bolivia en chess.com. Todas las personas que quieran formar parte del grupo son bienvenidas. J...
3 007
" NORTH KOREA " This is the group representing North Korea in the Chess.com World League and other tours. It is for all those who would ...
2 579
Tournoi Sultan
Venez participer au grand tournoi du BDS Sultan avec à la clé un joli lot 🤫
Paradise Chess Club
Relax and play chess in paradise. We play vote chess, daily matches, and other chess activities while taking in the beauty of nature.
2 259
Xadrez Piracicaba
Um clube para aqueles que amam o Xadrez e a Piracicaba!
Group unuk apresiasi moderator dan viewer Tiktok.
Join our vibrant chess room! It's a place with camaraderie, socialness, competitivity and many more! There are lots of elections/votes/fun forums, ...