
As it pertains to this site, right now all I can say is I do not claim to be better than most or worse even, but I do my best to play the time controls (especially bullet) making my moves slow if I am playing a slower longer time control and fast if it is a fast shorter time control. My personal philosophy is, or in other words, the way I see it, if you play chess, then the game should be played appropriately according to the time control. Slow chess=slow play, and speed chess=speedy play. Long time control games are for being sneaky and sinister minded with moves. Short time control games are for being aggressive and dominant minded with moves. Regardless, the whole objective of playing is to play smart, play timely, and for playing for the checkmate. Whether a chess player wins or loses, it is simply part of the game, but if there are three ways to win, then ask yourself the same question I have asked and answered for myself.... What sort of wins do I want to have scored the most of? A.) Wins by time flag or... B.)Wins by resignation... or C.) Wins by checkmate My choice is none other than option "C" personally.

I know a win is a win, but another analogy is with any UFC match, both competitors fight to win and not to lose, but ask any of them which way they would want to win every fight whether by going the distance (unanimous/split decision), or by submission, or by knockout; they will all more than likely agree that a win is a win, but they will also say that the knockout win is the most preferred and sweetest way to win of all.

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