
Hi, i’m hammy, i am an 12 year old homeschooled girl who lives in alabama, i enjoy chess, soccer, playing with my hamster, reading, and painting.  My irl name is Mary but plz do not call me that, on i like to be called hammy not ham GSO or Mary ok?!?

If you send me a friend request i will accept it

Also could you join my club Turquoise Chess?         Thx

║99.9% of you won't post this. When
║Jesus died on the cross he was
║thinking of you. If you're one of the 0.1% that
║cares, put this on your profile.

@pipsqueakyy: always pickin’ at me, we’re good friends.  We play a lot of chess to🐹

@2024Bella; always chattin’ with me,  we do really talk a lot.

@The_Storm_555; redesigned my WHOLE club for me to make me feel better after my hamster died! He is truly an awesome person🐹

@DKmariopacman; we may have started off terribly (my fault) but we are now great friends.

@Eric5562; we talk a good bit here is definitely a great guy

@hellokghpgbhs (i hope i got his name right) a great guy, makes me laugh

@vivikiitycat we talk every day in the comments sense of chess club. She’s really smart.

@nextbot83 man he is a really great guy and he’s smart.🐹