Kao klinci smo se okupljali u lokalnom sah klubu i tamo provodili zimske dane. Nismo ulazili u duboke analize, najvažnije je bilo druženje i dobro zezanje. Kako smo odrastali, za šah nam je preostajalo sve manje vremena. Danas, nakon 15-ak godina, kada moj klinac kreće u školu, želim da mu prenesem bar deo moje tadašnje strasti prema šahu. Osnovao sam školsku šahovsku sekciju, a ja sa njima proživljavam drugu mladost. On bad English: As kids we gathered in a local chess club and there spent the winter days. We didn't entered the deep analysis nor learning openings, the most important was the camaraderie and fun. As we grew up, for chess, we had less and less time. Today, after 15 years, when my kid starts going to school, I wanted to pass to him at least part of my former passion for chess. I founded school chess section, and with them I experienced a second youth.
SFRJ (Once Brothers - Nekad braća)
SFRJ (Once Brothers - Nekad braća) 493 карыстальніка
Team Serbia
Team Serbia 265 карыстальнікаў
Serbia 113 карыстальнікаў
Slavia 521 карыстальнік